Masuk Daftar

sama baiknya bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sama baiknya"
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal;
  • demi baiknya:    for the better
  • dengan baiknya:    decently
  • sebaik-baiknya:    all the best; as well as possible; kind of; sort of; rather; kinda
  • untuk baiknya:    for good; lastingly; for keeps; for good and all; forever; once and for all; permanently; abidingly
  • sama:    alike; as broad as it is long; coequal; congruous; correct; equal; equivalent; identic; identical; same; uniform; as; common; comparable; corresponding; ditto; even; fifty-fifty; like; square; tanta
  • berbuat sebaik-baiknya:    make the best of it
  • berbuat sebaik-baiknya -:    put best food forward
  • berbunat sebaik-baiknya:    do one’s level best
  • berusaha sebaik-baiknya:    bend over backwards; bended over backwards; bending over backwards; bent over backwards
  • dalam nama baiknya:    in one's favor
  • dgn baik-baiknya:    nicely
  • memanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya:    call into service; called into service; calling into service; made the best the use of; make the best the use of; making the best the use of
  • membuat sebaik-baiknya:    making the most of
  • sama-sama:    neck and neck; every bit; conjointly; equally; you’re welcome; collectively; accompany; jointly; together with; together; as; you're welcome
  • And he prepared all three steps equally well.
    Dan ia mempersiapkan ketiga langkah ini sama baiknya.
  • You're every bit as good as them. Every bit.
    Kau sama baiknya dengan mereka sama baiknya
  • You're every bit as good as them. Every bit.
    Kau sama baiknya dengan mereka sama baiknya
  • Wood and canvas could be as good as metal.
    Kayu dan kanvas sama baiknya dengan logam.
  • If you don't, it's as good as confessing.
    Jika tidak, Itu akan sama baiknya dengan mengaku.
  • Moreover, you know this, as well as me.
    Dan kau tahu ini sama baiknya dengan aku.
  • That was almost as good as bad sex.
    Itu hampir sama baiknya dengan seks yang nakal.
  • So 96 percent is as good as 100 percent.
    Jadi 96 persen sama baiknya dengan 100 persen.
  • A man's neighbour is as good as himself.
    Seorang tetangga sama baiknya dengan dirinya sendiri.
  • One spot's as good as another.
    Salah satu tempat yang sama baiknya dengan yang lain.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5